
brian [at] parasol dot io



A WHO-supported interdisciplinary arts project to benefit cancer research

In Case They
Don’t Make It

Campaign for Koala protection
Cushelle X WWF Australia

Thousands of koalas have been lost in Australian bushfires, a regular occurrence whose intensity is only increasing thanks to climate change. Cushelle's mascot is a koala named Kenny, so it's only natural that they would take an interest in the survival of this precious creature.

To raise awareness of their plight, we created Jo, a DIY conservationist whose iffy solution to koalas' problem is to train other animals to act like koalas in the event they go extinct.

Establishing that a sheep can't climb like a koala, 
a croc can't eat like a koala, and an emu won't 
sleep like a koala — not that any of this needed establishing — reinforces how unique and irreplaceable koalas are.

When you find Cushelle in store, you'll notice Cushelle's mascot Kenny is missing from the pack 
in solidarity with his real-life koala brethren.

The films, which run on social, all end on the same, sombre message. 60,000 koalas were killed in last year’s Australian bushfires, and only 35,000 now remain in the wild.

Cushelle, in partnership with the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) is backing its pledge to double the number of koalas in the wild by 2050. Having raised over £150,000 to date thanks to donations taken from each Cushelle special pack purchased, the campaign aims to drive further awareness and donations to support the cause.
